
Update September 18, 2018: I have moved these pages from the .org website to this Blogger blog to save the information from the site. I intend to continue with the community and sustainability and spirituality aspects, as well as share information on alternative methods of governance and economic styles.


Update June 21, 2018: Amazing Awakening is no longer a non-profit, nor even a corporation. I leave the website for the valuable information collected and made available. I hope it is of benefit to you, Dear Reader.


Update: Achieved State of Idaho religious non-profit status August 13, 2014.


Mission Statement: To promote the spiritual, intellectual, social, and physical welfare of all people.


"Non-duality is at the core of three of the world's greatest religions - Hinduism, Buddhism, and Taoism. I am convinced that Jesus was the first non-dual teacher of the West." - Fr. Richard Rohr


It is my intention that this community be non-dualist in nature, and we will do this through the study and practice of world-wide mystical traditions which include many styles of chanting, singing, prayer, and meditation, in a community environment.


The spiritual traditions I have studied and practiced are many and varied. Each turned out to be a stepping-stone to the next in ever-increasing stages of non-dualism. Here is the list: I was born into the Christian faith, became a member of the Baha'i World Faith in 1972. Starting in the mid-1980s I became an insatiable student of the earth-based traditions and spent the next 15 years practicing Norse Asatru and Celtic Shamanism. In the late 1990s I discovered the Compassion traditions and the philosophy of Daoism and have stayed there ever since. New Thought entered the picture around 2007, and I embraced Hinduism when I began singing kirtan, aka Bhakti Yoga, in 2009. In 2011, A Course In Miracles brought me full-circle.


The greatest thing I learned through all these practices and traditions is that, at the core, they all have the same belief: God/Universe/Source is agape, the unconditional love the divine has for all His/Her creations.


Vision Statement: Intentional community living in holistic, self-sustaining, spiritual lifestyle through World-wide Mystical Traditions.


If you hold this inter-faith vision, too, and would like to help establish this community, please contact me at the email address or the mailing address below. Namaste.


I saw this video on Facebook today (2015 03 26) and THIS is exactly how I envision the Amazing Awakening Spiritual Retreat Center and Eco-community, in an inter-faith way. EnJOY this video about a wonderful community in Australia.


(8/1/14 - Today I added the words "Retreat Center" to the name. This came to me last night as I again (as I often do) pondered my visits to ashrams in India. Although a small group of core people live and work at an ashram, the greater purpose is its availability as a spiritual retreat center. Since my idea for this community is rooted in my ashram experiences, I am adding that "in writing" as a component of my intention for the development of the Amazing Awakening Community.)

I chose to create the website today, April 20, 2014, for a couple of reasons.

1 - today is Easter Sunday, and this idea has been resurrected quite a few times in different styles and guises from 2005 to Present. The day seems apropos.

2 - today is the third anniversary of my ordination into the Universal Life Church.

I really thought this idea had gone back to sleep for a while, but you just can't keep a great idea down. It popped up again on April 1, yes April Fool's Day, and here we are, just about three weeks later.

April 1 has a symbolic significance: in the Middle Ages, Fools were often thought to be able to hear God since their heads were pretty much empty otherwise! Also, they were often in a position where their survival depended upon "letting go and letting God;" living intuitively and by Divine guidance and will. In other words, they had to completely trust the Universe!

Mystics also live by receiving and following Divine guidance, and trusting the Universe.

I live that way, too! I like to believe I am a mystic and not a fool. :-)

So, when the name of Amazing Awakening came to me on April 1, I followed my bliss and asked my website administrator to purchase the domain. More symbolism....I now owned "cyber real estate," next best to the real thing.

Since April 1, there has occurred an amazing sequence of coincidences holding this project by the hand and walking it home. Yes, Divine guidance and inspiration.

I invite you to walk along with me and share the journey. To read about the amazing coincidences or follow the progress of the project, click the Updates link to the left (takes you to the site's blog) and click the "Timeline" category.

Above all, EnJOY!